• Panel refinery – SPG series


  • SPG series panels are available to reduce or regulate flow in the following units:
  • Drinking water and sewage treatment plant
  • Pumping stations
  • Irrigation canals
  • Storage tanks
  •  Drainage
  •  All free flow streams

Other uses:

  •  Sealing pins with three sides
    At the end of the pipe with flange connection
  • The span downwards
دریچه آب بند تصفیه خانه

Main features:

  • Square openings
  •  Sealing from 4 sides (optional 2 sides): The leakage current is less than 0.02 liters per second per linear distance of each connection.
  • The flow capacity in m3 / sec is calculated for the fully submerged panel, taking into account the pressure drop ΔH, as follows:
    (0.7 × A (m2) × V2gΔH (mWC)

Product range:

The panels are in 17 sizes with a cross section of 200 to 1500 mm and are available in the following two models:
1) Maximum pressure 5mWC (s5)
2) Maximum pressure 10mWC (s10)

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